Can Money Bring Happiness?

Dr. Hakan Oztunc
9 min readAug 20, 2024

My book published Destined Numbers: A Fate-Fueled Math Venture

Throughout life, people seek the elusive formula for happiness. The myth of King Midas serves as a poignant illustration that controlling external circumstances does not necessarily lead to a fulfilled existence. Like many individuals, King Midas believed that amassing immense wealth would guarantee his happiness. Thus, he struck a deal with the “gods,” eventually securing the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. It seemed like an extraordinary bargain that would ensure his status as the richest — and, consequently, the happiest — person in the world.

However, poor Midas soon discovered the cruel irony of his wish. As he attempted to eat, the food in his mouth transformed into inedible golden morsels, and the water he tried to drink instantly solidified into unquenchable gold. Trapped in a gilded prison of his own making, King Midas met his untimely demise, surrounded by abundant golden plates and cups. This tale serves as a cautionary reminder that pursuing wealth alone does not lead to genuine happiness or fulfillment.

Unfortunately, for some individuals, the formula for happiness appears deceptively simple: acquiring wealth. The belief that financial prosperity automatically equates to happiness suggests that the key to an easy life lies in a substantial bank account or…



Dr. Hakan Oztunc

Statistics Professor, Math Lover, Teaching @UOFT. Author of numerous Math Novels. Always looking to make math fun for everyone. MyBook: