Your Brain Thanks for Studying Math

Dr. Hakan Oztunc
4 min readFeb 11, 2021

Here are five reasons why?

Photo by Gerd Altmann on pixabay

Mathematics is a universal language. Math establishes abilities in concrete thinking, spatial thought, and logical reasoning. Mathematics, especially mental arithmetic, is known to boost the capacity of the brain significantly. The study of shapes, numbers, and patterns helps develop solid observational skills and fosters critical thinking. Mathematicians (or anyone dealing with math) have the opportunity to communicate universally and improve their brain health. Your brain will thank you for learning math for five reasons:

by Hakan Oztunc
  1. Mathematics learning enhances neuro-plasticity

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to evolve throughout life. The more you interest in any activity, the more dominantly neurons are firing together, which results in more robust connections between neurons. Math claims abstract and concrete thinking, which leads to the improvement of the brain’s muscles. Studying math is a springboard to improving your overall intelligence. Learning math allows you to see connections and promote neural paths that strengthen your brain. Mathematics heightens your analytical and problem-solving skills, creates the basis for systemic…



Dr. Hakan Oztunc

Statistics Professor, Math Lover, Teaching @UOFT. Author of numerous Math Novels. Always looking to make math fun for everyone. MyBook: